4 Jun 2023

8m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

My gear was turned on before breakfast. It is now 0848z.  Just a single spot (quite strong too)  from HC02 (1808km) in Portugal.

There appear to be fewer active stations on 8m this Es season. I was hoping for more, not fewer. With this year probably seeing the peak of the current solar cycle this is very disappointing!  Where are all the experimenters? Perhaps people prefer discussing vegetables on 80m with commercial gear!

UPDATE 1414z:  Just HC02 (Portugal) and SR4BBX (1217km) have spotted my 8m QRP FT8 today. Just G3WCS spotted on 8m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1539z:  It is extremely unusual to see 8m FT8 reports from new stations, bringing into question why I should continue with my experiment. My experiment was to see how useful QRP and simple antennas could be on 8m. I think I have already proved that and only with reports from newcomers will I learn more. So, unless I see significant interest from others it is unlikely that I shall spend as much time on 8m in the future. Results were more interesting in the last Es season.

Stations spotted on 8m RX today

Stations spotting my 8m FT8 QRP today

UPDATE 1814z: 
Just 2 spots all day on 8m QRP FT8. On RX 3 stations spotted, although I suspect the EA is illegal.

1 comment:

  1. With indications that the US FCC will not extend 40MHz permits, coupled with the stance by Ofcom that formal amateur activity will not be permitted (plus the RSGB’s similar stance on the matter), it may be a case of “Why bother?” for many people.
