6 May 2023

UK Coronation - NOT amateur radio

Although definitely not a strong royalist (I think a symbolic monarchy is better than an elected president - who would we choose?), like millions I shall probably be watching the UK coronation on TV. 

Basically, I am against wealth and privilege simply as a result of who your parents were. Much wealth came from the slave trade centuries back, which I find abhorrent. That is history. What matters is how we are today.

Overall, I favour a much slimmed down monarchy much closer to the people. Those that work for the UK get the royal purse. Hangers on do not.  There is no doubt our history and traditions are worth millions in tourism and help stability.

UPDATE 0841z:  Our church bells are ringing.

UPDATE 1400z:  A good service and parade that passed (thank goodness) without incident. It rained....again! Why does it always seem to rain on Coronations?! I am old enough to remember the last coronation in 1953 and crowding around a tiny, snowy, picture on a black and white TV in a neighbour's house.

Zadoc the priest

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