7 May 2023

8m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

After breakfast, my plan is to go on 40.680 MHz QRP FT8 again in the hope of catching some Es. 

UPDATE 0854z:  Gear turned on at 0820z. No spots. 

UPDATE 0948z: G3WCS spotted (IO83). Is this genuine?

UPDATE 1046z:  It turns out G3WCS is genuine, Also WESSEXSDR (265km) has spotted me on RX. In the last few days I have been spotted on 8m FT8 every day, and not one of these was Es, despite using just 2.5W FT8 and a low dipole.

UPDATE 1918z:  2 stations have spotted me today on 8m FT8 and I have spotted 2. No Es. QRT soon.

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