14 May 2023

8m early start

At 0629z my QRP 8m FT8 was turned on. This is far earlier than normal.

UPDATE 1047z:  No spots.  It is now days since I have copied anyone or anyone has copied me on 8m FT8!  By now, I was expecting daily, good, Es. Conditions have been disturbed, but I was hoping for better. At the moment, 2023 is less promising than 2022. I shall stick with it a bit longer.

UPDATE 1150z:  Still no spots. Unless I get some spots by 1300z, I propose to QSY to 10m QRP FT8.

UPDATE 1540z:  As there was (I think) a bit of Es on 10m, I have gone back on 8m FT8 QRP, ever hopeful. No spots.

UPDATE 1625z:  Disappointed. Been on 8m FT8 much of the day, but with no success on RX or TX. I shall stick with it until dark, but seriously poor. What disappoints me most is the apparent lack of interest by Gs to, what could be, a really interesting part of the spectrum. Unless things seriously improve, I suspect I can learn little more. I was hoping for lots of interest this spring/summer. It would appear people prefer talking about fish tanks on 40m with commercial rigs than real research👎👎

UPDATE 2050z:  QRT.


  1. Sporadic E conditions so far are not good but it is a high sunspot year and conditions can be poorer.
    Before even monitoring 40 MHz I look at G7IZU 'S Europe sporadic E map https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/
    Also check for propagation markers to the UK from IM67, 46.4 and 46.9 MHz meteor burst transmitters and 31.75 MHz hospital paging, 35 MHz French highway breakdown comms. To the East from here, Italian 43 MHz band data and comms and various 'noises' on 40 MHz. If none of those check positive, such as so far today I don't bother monitoring!

  2. I see G7IZU has 40 MHz page. See https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/8m-40mhz-spot-band/

  3. Yes! He was asking for suggestions last year so I mentioned it to him.
