2 May 2023

10m inter-G?

Many years ago, the RSGB organised some 10m activity contests in the evenings. This must have been 40 years ago at a guess. 

Despite using 10W pep and a dipole, I could work stations 150km away consistently. With more power and a small beam, even better results would be possible. These days we have digital modes that can work with very weak signals indeed, so spanning such distances with very simple antennas like dipoles and CB whips should be even easier.

At the moment 10m is a great DX band, but at sunspot minimum, people often desert it, sadly. What I am advocating is that more of us should stick with it in the quieter years when it behaves more like a VHF band.

As a final reminder, Es is good in the Es season at any point in the solar cycle. DX has been worked from the UK by F2 N-S with QRP SSB even when the sunspot count was zero at solar minimum. People often desert it when it is a lack of activity and not poor conditions. I hope FT8 will help at such times.

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