24 Apr 2023

Plans for Monday

My 481 THz test software and lead are my priority. When I did the optical tests way back more than 10 years ago PCs had separate mic and headphone jacks. All my PCs now have combined jacks! 

So, I have to interface my optical RX and the PC in a new way. With soldering skills very hard these days, this requires some thought. Years ago I would just have bought a new jack socket (with mic input) and just changed the plug! I think years ago I just used a lead with standard 3.5mm plugs at each end.

I may put the 10m WSPR beacon on too.

UPDATE 1038z: 10m WSPR beacon is ON and my audio setup (interface from 481 THz RX to the PC) is working with Spectran. At G1KQH's suggestion I used a USB sound card I already had and it worked first time. Thanks for the suggestion Steve. 

UPDATE 1144z:  No 10m WSPR spots of my 500mW beacon. I suspect things are very disturbed. I checked all was well on another RX.

UPDATE 1515z: 
4 stations have spotted me today so far on 10m WSPR. My 481 THz TX beacon and RX work with QRSS and Spectran. 

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