21 Apr 2023

8m WSPR for all?

Certainly here in the UK and probably many (or all?) countries people seem to have licence free access to the 40.66-40.70 MHz ISM band as long as any national conditions are met. In the UK this means 10mW ERP maximum and full compliance with IR2030. Interference must be accepted and not caused. We know from Australia that 5mW 8m WSPR has been received at 5000km, so much of Europe could be spanned on 8m WSPR by anyone. 

This is NOT the Amateur Radio Service!

This probably means any ISM band may be used licence free as long as national law is followed, although I have not asked OFCOM specifically about other ISM bands.   Remember OFCOM only covers the UK. You have to either be sure of the legality in your country or seek legal advice if you are unsure.


  1. In the Netherlands we are not allowed to transmit on the ISM bands with a amateurradio transceiver. Have been writing this before. It seems it is no problem in the UK. 73, Bas

    1. You mentioned this before Bas. However, I have my doubts they have interpreted EU laws correctly.

  2. Hi Bas - you mentioned this some time ago. I am not sure the authorities are correctly implementing EU law! As long as you can be sure you meet the requirements in the Netherlands, I cannot see why ANY equipment cannot be used.
