29 Apr 2023

8m tests to restart

This next week, I hope to restart my QRP tests on 40.680 MHz FT8. I have been off for a few weeks. 

The Es season is just getting under way. This season, I may try WSPR sometime probably in the WSPR window at 40.680 MHz (DF 1400-1600 Hz).

It would be good if lots of countries came on 8m FT8 or WSPR this season, ideally TX, but RX if nothing else.

I am convinced that just 10mW ERP WSPR will be copied across Europe on 8m at times. In the UK anybody would be able to TX 10mW ERP WSPR in the 8m ISM band without a licence as long as the technical requirements and IR2030 are met. This is not the Amateur Radio Service. It is an experiment under ISM rules.

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