15 Apr 2023

10m QRP FT8

Just now I looked on 4m FT8 spots in the last 12 hours and decided it was not worth the effort. Instead, I am on 10m QRP FT8 with the tiny QDX transceiver.

So far, on RX spots from all over the world and 11 spots of me on TX with the furthermost 3C3CA (5482km) in Equatorial Guinea. At the moment 10m really is good.

UPDATE 1502z: As we had hail and thunder, I went QRT. Up to then (about 20 minutes ago) I have had reports from 35 stations despite the QRP.

Stations spotting my
10m QRP FT8 so far today

UPDATE 1744z:
  Storms have passed and the QDX turned on again. 57 stations have spotted my 10m QRP FT8 so far. It seems amazing that such a tiny, multi-band, QRP transceiver works so very well.

UPDATE  1754z:  Although no USA stations have spotted me yet, I hope they do so before the propagation closes. This was quite late on 12m yesterday. On 10m, we can expect the band to close earlier. Currently 58 spots of me today. 

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