6 Mar 2023

Too small - NOT amateur radio

For many years I was a Christian.  These days I am perhaps better described as agnostic.  I am not sure what I believe.

Christianity seems too small for me in a world of many faiths. Then you have the probable existence of trillions of planets in the universe. There are probably billions of planets in our galaxy alone and billions of galaxies!!

My view currently is that all religions are hints towards the truth. Christianity seems too parochial these days. I cannot believe that all the religions in the world other than Christianity are wrong.

My own view is that we are all capable of evil given the right triggers. We would rather this was not true, but history proves us wrong. Just shortly before I was born, millions were put to death in gas chambers by the people of a civilised country. I can imagine us being just as evil had circumstances been different.

Throughout history, religions of all sorts have been the trigger for evil against fellow men.

In many ways I envy people with strong religious beliefs, but to me, this is not enough. 

I am a strong believer of the existence of good and evil. There is clearly evil in the world, but often (always?) this has its roots in evil done to the perpetrator. It is my firm belief that there is far more good in the world than evil. Sadly, good deeds are rarely newsworthy.

All we can hope is we leave this world having worked for some good within it.

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