10 Mar 2023

Talk tonight

For the first time since before my stroke in 2013, I am giving a talk to the Cambridge Radio Club (CDARC). The talk is by Zoom only in view of the bad weather. I have prepared the slides and someone else is voicing my notes. 

It is a bit of an experiment. Zoom details are (I think) on the CDARC website.  All being well, I shall try to answer questions verbally, but I may have to resort to Zoom chat.

The talk is entitled" Fun With Amateur Radio". It is quite wide ranging. I am pretty sure visitors to the Zoom talk would be welcomed. Talks usually start at 2000z.

The usual style is people mute (apart from the speaker) and unmute if they have questions, or use the Zoom chat facility.

Most club talks are also via Zoom, so you could join CDARC even if you live in Australia! Annual subscriptions are very reasonable. In the past we have had speakers and viewers from many parts of the planet.

See https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86735471090 .

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