25 Feb 2023

QDX on 10m

It has arrived and is tiny!! 

Stations that spotted my QDX
this afternoon on FT8
It has been tried out on 10m WSPR and FT8 and seems to work fine. I have already been spotted in the USA on FT8 and heaps of stations in the USA on WSPR.  Impressive!!

UPDATE 1850z:  18 stations have spotted me on 10m FT8 TX and 250 stations spotted me on 10m FT8 RX with the QDX.

Stations spotted on 20m FT8 RX
  this evening on the QDX

UPDATE 2208z: 
101 stations spotted on 20m FT8 RX with the QDX on FT8.  QRT now.

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