28 Feb 2023

Pye Telecom PF8

In the end, we did not sell that many of these at Pye Telecom. It took a lot of time to get to market and, really, it was not worth the effort. It has some innovative ideas for its time: it used a multi-layer PCB (a first at that time), a DC-DC converter (what a nightmare!), an internal antenna, looked before its time like a cellphone, no external parts to break,etc..

It featured on TV in "The Professionals".  

Some were converted to 70cms. They are rare these days and I do not have one! Your best bet is eBay. There is a PDF manual on my website.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/vhfuhfmicrowaves/vhfuhf-commercial-rigs/pye-pf8 .

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