16 Feb 2023

Green stripes on the left of UK car registration plates - NOT amateur radio

Apparently the green stripes on the left of UK car registration plates indicate the car produces zero emissions from the exhaust pipe. This can only be achieved with electric vehicles (EVs) I think. Maybe hydrogen vehicles can as well, but these are very rare. 

Until my son came to stay recently, I did not know this. I (wrongly) assumed the green could be on all new cars, but this makes a great deal of sense.

It still seems to me that non emission vehicles have a long way to go. The main issue is improving the range between charges and making batteries from materials that can be made with cheap, easily available  materials. Until these issues are cracked, I cannot see a turning point soon. 

These days CRT TVs and photographic films look ancient. Let's hope this soon happens with non emission vehicles. Surely the age of fossil fuel is drawing to a close. The planet badly needs this. If these breakthroughs occur, there really will be a tipping point. I am surprised it has not happened already.

See https://www.carwow.co.uk/blog/green-number-plates-explained#gref.

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