19 Feb 2023

8m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

Only been on for a short while, but been spotted by 4X1BG (3552km) and I have spotted G4APG (88km).

UPDATE 1008z:  A reminder that I believe anyone in the UK may legally put 10mW ERP beacons on without a licence on the 8m ISM bands as long as the technical requirements and IR 2030 are met. As encouragement, an Australian 8m WSPR beacon at 5mW was copied over 5000km away! See https://ei7gl.blogspot.com/2023/01/successful-low-power-tests-on-40-mhz.html . It would be good to see many WSPR beacons on 8m this Es season. 

UPDATE 1150z:  ZS6OB (9099km) spotted on 8m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1238z: 4X1BG (3552km) has again spotted me and I have spotted this station too on RX. The map shows the stations spotted here this morning on 8m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1454z:  Spotted by 2 stations in the Caribbean on 8m QRP FT8. Amazing! When the rig gets hot, the power drops to 1W ish.

UPDATE 1512z:  Several stations were copied on 8m FT8 RX today, that were not reported to PSKreporter.  I am unsure if PSKreporter does not report in a QSO or it was a problem with my internet. G9PUV, G8BCG and another Eire station seen today. Probably F2 backscatter.

UPDATE 1525z:  5 stations have spotted my QRP 8m  FT8 today, including 3 in the Caribbean. I think FG8OG (6670km) in Guadeloupe may be a new country for me on 8m?

UPDATE 1543z:  It must be an issue with uploading to PSKreporter (delay?) or at my end as VA2CY clearly spotted calling CQ. He is on my screen several times , but not showing on PSKreporter.

UPDATE 1557z: WW1L (4976km) has spotted me on 8m FT8 this afternoon. Even with a very low ERP, I am still being copied "across the pond" many times.

UPDATE 1621z:  Now RX only on 8m FT8.

1 comment:

  1. These are excellent results.
    Congratulations, Roger!

    Vy 73 de OZ9QV, Jan
