18 Feb 2023

8m QRP FT8 (Saturday)

Been on 8m FT8 (TX first) for about 90 minutes. So far, 2 spots from Eastern Europe with the furthermost RA4FER (2992km). This is almost certainly F2 propagation.

UPDATE 1016z:  Not sure if there are now more people monitoring 8m FT8 or it is just that conditions are better so more people can copy my QRP. Until yesterday, there were very few reports of me from the east.

UPDATE 1218z:   When out shopping, I left the 8m FT8 on RX. 3 stations spotted as the map shows. Rig currently turned completely off.

UPDATE 1335z:  5 stations have spotted me today on 8m FT8. I am surprised by the results at this time of year. Most reports seem to be by F2. Rig turned on again.

UPDATE 1405z:  7 spots of my 8m QRP FT8 today including HI8SDR-2 (7062km), which is a new country and "across the pond" again. Now RX only again.

UPDATE 1845z:  My first copy of a station in North America on 8m FT8:  VA2CY (4965km). Now QRT.

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