27 Feb 2023

10m QRP FT8 with the QDX

This morning started with a slight panic. I went on 10m FT8 with the QDX and thought the SWR looked high. It was as if the QDX was still on 20m. Then it clicked - I was on PWR not SWR. All was well and the SWR very low!!

My gear was switched on at about 0850z. It is now 0900z and, so far, 25 stations spotted on RX and 4 stations have spotted my QRP FT8 TX.

UPDATE 0921z:  11 spots of my QRP from Eastern Europe. I assume this is F2 propagation.

UPDATE 1036z:   20 stations have spotted me with the furthermost 7Z1IS (4948km). On RX, 99 stations have been spotted here.

UPDATE 1400z:  31 stations have spotted me on 10m FT8 and I have spotted 301 stations.

UPDATE 1424z:  45 stations have spotted me with the furthermost ZS3SH (9149km). On RX, 372 stations spotted on 10m FT8. Still using the tiny QDX.

UPDATE 1542z: Today I have been spotted by 87 stations and I have spotted 487 stations. In just a day, I have been spotted on 5 continents with the QRP QDX on 10m FT8 as well as had many QSOs on 10m FT8.

UPDATE 1918z: 119 stations have spotted my QRP 10m FT8 today and I have spotted 565 stations. Not a single station has been spotted from North America.

UPDATE 2025z: 
120 stations have spotted my QRP 10m FT8 today (see map) using the QDX.

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