9 Jan 2023

SSB activity lower?

Every month I take part in the 2m and 70cm UKAC activity contests organised by the RSGB. My voice is poor and I only run QRP to my big-wheel omni antenna. I am usually on for less than an hour. I also have a go at the FT8 activity contests.

Although I rarely use SSB and FM outside contests, I gather activity with these modes is down on the past. I guess there are several reasons. Firstly, people can chat for free on the internet by video with anywhere on the planet, so there is less need to use the amateur bands just for chatting. Secondly, the average age of amateurs is increasing, with the hobby appealing to retired people. Some of these are now getting infirm so less active. Thirdly, there are more digital modes not needing much bandwidth. For example, the FT8 slot is often busy, but very little bandwidth is needed.

QSOs on 2m UKAC
last Tuesday
Certainly, SSB UKAC contest QSOs seem harder now on 2m than a few years ago. My average used to be about 10 QSOs whereas now even getting a couple is harder.

Change is inevitable, but you do not just chance upon FT8 as this needs specialist software. People will no longer just chance upon amateur radio. The danger is numbers decline over the next 10-20 years unless we can galvanise the interest of younger people.

1 comment:

  1. Will have to agree with you on activity being low. Admittedly I’m not on 70cms UKAC but try and take part on the 2M one when I remember! For some reason I can’t really get outside IO95 square but there is a small cluster of ham in IO95 I will work.

    A few points.

    The drop of class A and B licenses now everyone goes straight to HF .Still believe the foundation licence should have been restricted to one HF band and 6M/2M and 70cms.

    Also most hams only want to use FT8 and even though it’s a good mode I do feel it’s killed the “actual”communications side of the hobby.

    I know people who are now 100% only user of FT8 and not interested in speech mode anymore and some have ditched ham bands to returned to CB as they still chat on their using speech.

    Who knows what the future will bring but hopefully the solar cycle will be good and get people back on the mic.

