6 Dec 2022

8m amateur band?

Recently I approached the RSGB to enquire about their position on a very tiny 8m amateur band (just 5 kHz wide) by NoV. The response from the VHF manager was to point me to the RSGB's statement back in March. At this rate experimenters will again have to pay to do research on 8m in 2023 in the UK. It sounds like both the RSGB and OFCOM are dead against even a tiny 8m amateur band. To me, this is illogical. 

By some means I intend to continue my 8m propagation research in 2023.

Also sought was clarification on research in the ISM bands in the UK from OFCOM. Their reply on this is awaited.

It would be really good if true researchers could gain access to 8m without having to pay, especially around solar maximum when there is so much to be explored.

It would be really good if many more stations and countries were permitted access to the 8m band, ideally FT8 with 40.680 USB dial. More stations would certainly make research more interesting.

Once again, this is about research and self training, which is surely what our hobby is really about? 

Personally, I am not particularly interested in 2-way communications at 8m. What interests me is radio science, particularly propagation.


  1. Perhaps a question to the RSGB asking for their reasons for not supporting a small amateur allocation at 8m, even by NoV?

  2. I have already asked the VHF manager in my reply email just this question. The case for a very tiny, digital only, 8m amateur band, by NoV, no interference, secondary, is surely overwhelming. As I said in the post, I can see no case against and, to me, it would make such a lot of sense. 5 kHz - is that REALLY such a big deal? Basically, on behalf of all UK amateurs I want the RSGB to be supportive. I have no wish at all to get in the way.
