1 Dec 2022

2m QRP FT8 (Thursday)

As the fog is descending and conditions might be "up", I have decided to switch from 8m FT8 to 2m FT8 with the antenna my 2m big-wheel omni. 

So far, 11 stations have spotted me at 1648z with the furthermost G7RAU (461km) in Cornwall. 

Still using 2.5W FT8 to the omni antenna.

UPDATE 1914z: 14 stations have spotted my 2.5W with the furthermost F5EGD (472km). 17 stations spotted on RX so far. 

UPDATE 2210z: 17 stations have spotted my 2.5W FT8 and I have spotted 27 here. A very useful (local) tool is the 2m FT8 grabber at http://g0lrd.vs.mythic-beasts.com/cap/ . This allows me to see if I am getting out and if the signal is clean. David's grabber is about 25km from me. The stations that spotted me at 2108z are shown on the map.


  1. Hi Roger,
    I was wondering how you are getting on with your new 23cms gear?
    I can listen but not transmit.

    73 Ken g4apb

    1. Thanks Ken. I have to get a few leads then do some local tests. Not used the transverter yet. 73s Roger G3XBM
