23 Nov 2022

UK general strike? - NOT amateur radio

There is little doubt that the UK is in a mess. Inflation is much higher than target, jobs remain unfilled and energy costs are high. The gap between rich and poor is now greater.

In my view, we are heading for a general strike. This would be the first since 1926. I have no idea what the outcome would be.

There is little doubt that most will be poorer. Compared with some countries, we are a wealthy nation even now.

The answers remain unknown. Clearly, we do not want to stoke inflation, yet people need to be able to buy food and heat their homes. The gap between rich and poor needs to be narrowed.

My own view? 

  1. Individuals who have plenty of money should pay via taxes.
  2. We need to pay workers who really contribute more money and "hangers on" less.
  3. We should allow more EU citizens in if there is no way of filling vacancies in the short term.
  4. Rejoin the EU customs union.
  5. A national government for a period.
I have always been centralist in my views. It looks like my views are socialist. I hope they are not, just realistic in a fair society.

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