4 Nov 2022

Spotted in the USA on 8m ....at last

At last, my 8m QRP FT8 has been spotted in the USA by 2 stations with the furthermost N2OTO in Florida (7094km). I am still on 40.680 MHz QRP FT8. I think this was F2 propagation. It was a matter of time.


  1. Finally! Congratulations, Roger, and well done on your persistence.

    I didn’t copy anything myself except Pennsylvania Fire and Rescue on 33MHz attending a road traffic accident (!!) They were full quieting here.

    Keith G0RQQ

  2. Great news Roger!

    Just goes to show what can be achieved with a QRP station and simple antenna.

    Hope you get many more spots and some QSO's

    Jason M0NYW

  3. It required a good deal of patience, but you made it!
    Vy 73 de Jan, OZ9QV

  4. Congrats Roger, propagation is very good these days. Next thing a QSO with USA? I did read in WW1L's blog that others are using 40.050 as FT8 frequency. Everyone should use the same frequency otherwise nothing will happen. 73, Bas
