11 Nov 2022

SPAM blog comments - NOT amateur radio

Twice this week I have received blog comments that I have reported as SPAM. 

On first reading , they look like genuine comments, often with flattering comments saying how useful the blog is. Then there is a link which takes you directly to, what is, blatant advertising. 

Every comment is approved. Almost all get posted. Just a very few do not get that far. It is some time since I have had to reject one.

For the avoidance of any doubt, adverts or grossly off topic comments will never appear. 

If making a comment I would be most grateful if you post your callsign (if you have one). Anonymous posts are not usually allowed, especially if the poster is not known. 

I would very much like this blog to be a friendly and inclusive place. I do not mind views that grossly differ from my own. We are a free country and we each have views.

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