2 Nov 2022

Cosmology - NOT amateur radio

As part of my University of the Third Age lectures , I am attending a course on Cosmology. It is very interesting, but also very hard.

Like last year, I try to take away some aspect of what I have learnt. My overwhelming thought is "this cannot be right".  Yes, the explanations sound plausible, but we know so very little. My overriding thought is "in 100 years people will say, "did you really believe THAT?"".

It is very enjoyable just being able to learn for fun with no worries about exams  etc..

Next term, I am doing something quite different: the history of the Bank of England.

It is also nice being in Cambridge.

UPDATE 1855z:   It has been estimated that there are 60000000000 planets in the Milky Way galaxy alone that could support life.  There are billions of galaxies in the universe that we know of. So, it looks like somewhere out there there should be life. Mind boggling.

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