13 Nov 2022

8m ISM experiments

It looks like all UK amateurs (anyone actually!) may legally operate beacons on some of the ISM bands without a licence as long as they comply with IR2030.  Callsigns are not needed, but you could use your amateur callsign. 

ISM is not for radio communication, but my reading of the rules suggests beaconing is fine.

In the case of 8m this means 10mW ERP.  My current plan is to test locally initially at the power of my T&I permit (5W) and then repeat the test at 10mW ERP.  I shall probably try WSPR and maybe (if the test is successful) later with FT8. 

If successful, it means many more in the UK could run beacons on 8m, or indeed any permitted ISM band, albiet at low ERP.  10mW ERP at 8m is probably enough to cover the local area. On better Es openings DX copy is possible.

Of course a small amateur allocation at 8m would be better. I cannot understand why in the UK and other administrations they don't permit amateurs access to 8m with just a band of even 5 kHz wide, narrow digital only, secondary, low power, by NoV or similar, strictly no interference. To my mind this is stupid and backward. Such a band would actively encourage research and self training. As it is, in the UK we have to pay annually to do this!!

UPDATE 1824z:  I have emailed members of my local radio club membership list hoping to do some local tests with WSPR. When using 10mW ERP I propose to use the call ISM1, so people know when I am on 10mW ERP WSPR.  FT8 might work, but WSPR works with much weaker signals. Measuring 10mW ERP could be a challenge.

See https://www.rfcafe.com/references/electrical/pwr2volts.htm .See https://www.qsl.net/co8tw/Coax_Calculator.htm .

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