21 Nov 2022

8m ISM experiment

At the moment I am doing some local tests to see if people can copy 10mW ERP on 8m locally. This is the UK ISM limit. As calibration, I am sending 1W WSPR on 8m before trying 10mW ERP. Initial tests suggests this is too low to be copied, but might just be possible with 2el 8m antennas. 

UPDATE 1928z: This is an update on the 8m ISM tests locally so far.  At the moment, I expect to switch to 10mW ERP WSPR later this week with the call 8M3ISM.  A 20dB pad will be added right next to the FT817ND.

  • Judging by the 1W WSPR reports so far, I feel it is unlikely people at any distance will copy my 10mW ERP signal.
  • One of the issues is a high local noise floor.
  • With 8m horizontal antennas, I suspect many would copy my 10mW ERP WSPR.
When the change is made to the 10mW ERP WSPR I shall announce this here with my conclusions by the weekend.

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