14 Nov 2022

8m ISM experiment

Despite asking for some local support for my 8m ISM WSPR experiments at 10mW ERP, I have so far heard ......nothing. 

All I was asking for was to monitor 8m WSPR at my usual power and then later at 10mW ERP, which is the limit set by OFCOM to operate on 40.66-40.70 in the UK without a licence as long as IR2030 is met.

Without help locally, I cannot proceed.

One possibility is to arrange skeds at full power and then at 10mW ERP.

It is my view that 10mW ERP WSPR will be copied locally. Even this low power could well be copied around Europe on WSPR when Es is good.

It is my view that we have to prove OFCOM and the RSGB wrong. A small amateur band at 8m would be good for self-training and research.

The hobby should be about self training. I am so far disappointed that nobody has yet come forward to help. Most do not have 8m antennas, so I am expecting a variety of antennas to be used. At most, this would be a few hours monitoring WSPR. 

If successful many more people could use 8m.

UPDATE 1832z:   Offers of local 8m RX help so far?  Nobody. I am very disappointed.


  1. Just a thought Roger. Can you set up a remote monitor within your wi-fi range (bottom of garden), using say a raspberry pi and a simple rx? This would at least show you up on PSKrepoter, even if you are getting no other spots. That is what I do.
    73 Ken g4apb

  2. IR2030 states that the guidance is for economic operators [commercial].

    You are personal usage, so question you need to ask of Ofcom is what are the rules for non economic operators.

    This could provide an answer.

  3. Today, I have asked OFCOM for the rules for beacons as opposed to economic users. I await their reply, but expect they will say IR2030 still applies!

  4. Non economic operators may well be the same, fair enough but certain things need to be

    How does OFCOM interpret the intent of the radiated power ?

    Is the power erp etc meant to be an allowance for leakage from a system OR when connected to an
    antenna to act as an intended radiator.

    Also, the HF fields measure in db/uA/METRE...who the hell is gonna be able to easily sort that
    out on the HF bands.

    OFCOM should really be asked for a more practical approach to this, like a simple ERP figure
    for those HF band allocations.

    US and Canada allow it for at least 50 years.

  5. At 8m IR2030 does say, very clearly, 10mW ERP. I am interpreting this to be the calculated ERP from the WHOLE system including rig,coax and antenna. I will be very surprised if they say anything else. I cannot comment on other HF bands. Some ISM bands were intended for things like RFID tags operating in the near field. I think OFCOM's intention is that at the powers given for any ISM band,interference to others is unlikely.

  6. Roger.

    I appreciate your 8m desires, but the lower HF bands need attention.

    North America has plenty of HF beacons using CW,WSPR and QRSS on 6 and 13Mhz.

    All legal, except in the UK, apparently.

    We need a whole approach to ISM bands, not just 8m.
