25 Nov 2022

8m FT8 with 2.5W QRP

Earlier this week I carried out some local tests with 10mW ERP from my low wire dipole. By comparison, 2.5W seems really high power! Shortly, I hope to be on 40.680 MHz QRP FT8. The 20dB pad has been removed and the FT817ND back on 3 bars on TX.

UPDATE 1435z:  8m FT8 QRP TX now switched on.

UPDATE 1700z:  I gather Bas has asked the authorities in the Netherlands if he can  TX in the 8mISM band legally at 10mW ERP without a licence. If we did this in many administrations we could see a number of new experimenters on 8m in the next Es season. Certainly, WSPR would be more effective than FT8.


  1. Hello Roger, I got an answer from the authorities here in the Netherlands. I'm free to transmit and even make contact with data mode like FT8 on 40.680 MHz with 10mW erp. However, it is not allowed to use a homemade transceiver and not allowed to use a amateurradio transceiver. I should use a transmitter that is made for this band, complies with CE and has a declaration of conformity. As far as I know there is no such device on the market....so I guess it is not possible here in the Netherlands. 73, Bas

  2. Bas, I am not sure they are correct!! Yes if you want to put a product on the market I am sure CE marking and declarations of conformity apply. However as long as you know you comply with IR2030 and the essential requirements I do not think they have a leg to stand on regarding EU law.
