20 Nov 2022

8m FT8 at 2.5W TX (Sunday)

Since learning yesterday that I was running 2.5W and not 5W with 3 bars on my FT8, I can report good results this morning on 40.680 MHz FT8. 

Results suggest there is some Es. See map.


  1. Good that some sporadic E is around. I think I saw your wspr signal at one point then you switched to FT8. It's getting quite congested in an opening around 1500 where you've moved to, might be worth thinking about the wspr edges near 1400 or 1600Hz.

    Hugh HC02

  2. Normally with FT8 I operate just below 2 kHz audio. I forgot to change since I was on WSPR for some local tests. Now moved HF. Thanks Hugh.

  3. I've been using 1500Hz since I started TXing on 8M but I'm more than happy to shift if it gets congested. Roger had a really good idea back when we all got our licences that we should pick different AF's on FT8 so even you weren't decoded there's a good probability of being ID'd.
