28 Oct 2022

End of Southgate News?

My friend Steve G1KQH has passed me this sad news :


PAUL/ANCHOR: If you follow amateur radio current events you are probably  aware of the Southgate Amateur Radio News website. We here at Newsline are sad to report that the colleague of ours in England, who ran that important website, has become a Silent Key. Jeremy Boot G4NJH has that report.

"JEREMY: We are sad to announce the passing of Richard Brunton, G4TUT.  Richard died at age 77 as the result of a fall on the 21st of October.  The callsign may not seem familiar to you, but for decades Richard was editor of the Southgate Amateur Radio News website which has a significant international following. Each and every day, Richard would search the world’s ham radio and technology resources seeking out stories of interest and publishing them. Beyond the straight news items and specialist sections of his site, Richard encouraged non-commercial podcasts and blogs to promote ham radio opinion and stimulate debate on the essential subjects of the day. He also compiled the ‘CQ Serenade’ weekly programme which was broadcast throughout Europe on  Shortwaveradio.de and other public-facing media. Richard himself was an  intensely private man who had no close family, but he reached thousands  of friends daily through his website. Amateur radio has lost a statesman and a stalwart whose dedication to amateur radio was valued and enjoyed by so many"

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