27 Oct 2022

10m FT8 RX (Thursday)

In a few moments I will go on 10m FT8 RX. If things look promising I will switch to 8m QRP FT8 TX on 40.680 MHz. The E-W MUF is creeping up towards 8m! 

UPDATE 1025z:  So far today, 131 stations have been spotted on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1112z: Either there is a problem my end or with PSKreporter as it still shows 131 spots. Other websites seem fine. I must check the shack PC.

UPDATE 1145z:   There was a message on my PC that I have said "OK" to about installing updates outside active hours. . Still says 131 stations spotted. I suspect an issue their end, but I will reboot the PC and install the updates in case this is the problem.

UPDATE 1920z:  QRT.  Updates done. 

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