3 Jul 2022

8m experiment (Sunday)

On my return from Devon, I am now on 40.680 MHz USB dial QRP FT8 TX. It is now 0931z and, so far, no spots. Apart from when the rig is cooling, I hope to be on 8m FT8 TX again today after a few days break.

UPDATE 1112z:  Still nobody spotting me today and nobody else spotted. Currently off whilst the rig cools.

UPDATE 1342z:  Back on TX again. Still no spots.

UPDATE 1725z:  Just a single spot by HC02 (1808km). To be honest, I was surprised to get even this.

UPDATE 1807z:  9A2Y (1567km) and I exchanged reports and location earlier by 8m FT8. What a surprise when no other spots (apart from HB9 and GM) of me seen all day on 10m WSPR.

UPDATE 1837z: S51DI (1288km) spotted on 8m FT8 RX.

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