8 Jul 2022

8m experiment (Friday)

When the rig is cool I have been on 8m FT8 QRP TX on 40.680 MHz USB dial. 

As encouragement to others, I have been copied by 5 stations so far this morning including DL0TUD/RX (939km), the latter being my 13th country to spot me on 8m FT8 despite just a few watts only from the FT817ND and low wire dipole. Es really is the QRPer's friend! However limited your set-up, I can guarantee fun on 8m, whether TX or RX.

I do hope administrations see sense and start to allow very limited amateur radio access to 8m. Ideally, this should be narrow digital only (no speech) with 40.680-40.685 MHz as a minimum.

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