10 May 2022

8m experiment (Tuesday)

Yesterday was dire with no stations spotted on RX and nobody spotting me on FT8 TX on 8m. Even 10m had no Es here. Hopefully today will be better. Well it can't be worse!!

Currently on 40.680 MHz USB dial FT8 TX. 

UPDATE 0951z:   No spots yet on 8m TX or RX.

UPDATE 1025z:  Still no spots on 8m FT8 TX or RX today. Apart from the remote chance of contacting some of the USA experimenters by chordal hop Es this summer, I think I have exchanged reports (won't say QSO!!) with all the stations I am likely to. The ZS stations are unlikely to spot me with my low ERP, even though I have spotted ZS6WAB on 8m FT8. I suspect the latter was TEP and Es together, as we are a bit too far north for pure TEP.

UPDATE 1855z:   No Es today, in fact no spots again on TX  or RX.

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