3 Apr 2022

8m TX tests (Sunday)

So far, I have had reports from 4 different local stations on 8m FT8. One station asked me to try 8m WSPR and he got 4 spots from me, even though I was only using 1W at the time. Reports suggested that even at 100mW he would have copied me. 

At the moment I am on 40.680 MHz MSK144. This is more suited to aircraft and meteor trail reflections, but is less good locally.

UPDATE 1419z: Despite being on 8m MSK144 for several hours, nobody spotted me, but 4 locals spotted my FT8 earlier. At the moment I am on MSK144 RX hoping to spot someone off aircraft or random meteors. G7PUV on the South Coast of the UK (if his 8m licence has come through yet!) has a beam and higher power. I should copy bursts from him.

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