5 Apr 2022

8m tests today

As G7PUV on the South Coast has got now his 8m TX permit, I shall try to receive him on 40.680 MHz USB dial FT8 today. At the moment I am also on 8m FT8 TX (TXing in the first period) on 40.680 MHz. Later, I shall be RX only to give Paul the best chance of being copied up here.

UPDATE 0850z:  2 local spots of me so far this morning. Now RX only on 8m FT8.

UPDATE 1346z:   Just switched to 40.680 MHz WSPR TX. Back to FT8 later.

UPDATE 1528z:  Back on FT8 (TXing first) on 40.680 MHz. So far, 3 local spots of me. Thank you.

UPDATE 1650z:  With grateful thanks to local G3TFX, my 8m dipole has now been raised in height. S/N on local signals is considerably better.

UPDATE 2000z:  QRT. Just local spots.

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