4 Apr 2022

8m experiments continued

All being well, I hope to be on 8m FT8 TX again later on 40.680 MHz. At the moment I am on 8m MSK144, although I am not being spotted. Over the weekend I was spotted by 4 locals. Tests with Borat in Central Europe were not successful this time, but I am sure we will exchange reports soon. 

At one time I was expecting to be on 24/7, but for the moment I am only coming on in the day unless someone wants a test at night e.g. in a meteor shower.

I am not doing crossband contacts. Personally I think OFCOM should have created a very small 8m amateur band available by NoV. Just 5 kHz would have been enough. 

UPDATE 0935z:   After initially being on 8m MSK144 (no spots), I am now on 40.680 MHz FT8 TX (2 local spots) and RX.

UPDATE 1013z:  Just 8m FT8 RX only for a while. Back on 8m FT8 TX shortly.

UPDATE 1056z:   Back on 8m FT8 TX.  2 local spots.

UPDATE 1108z:  I have heard that Paul G7PUV on the south coast has now got his 8m permit.  As he has a beam and more power, I am hopeful of copying him on FT8.

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