26 Mar 2022

Dipole calculator

In the next few days, I have to make a dipole for the 8m band on which I have special permission to TX for 12 months. At my QTH, the most suitable antenna is a simple wire dipole. You may be interested in this calculator.

See https://www.wireantennas.co.uk/dipole-calculator


  1. Hi Roger, I just constructed a fan dipole covering 10m, 8m,6m and 4m, so will be listening out for you. It seems the WSPR freq used is dial 40.662 rx (40.6635 Tx). Is that where you will be transmitting?

    73 Ken g4apb

  2. Most probably on 8m FT8 at 40.675MHz plus the audio. If you set the RX to 40.675MHz
    USB you should copy me. I hope to be on 24/7 with the occasional outing on CW for local crossband QSOs.

  3. Don't intend to clobber any other band users like ZS6WAB so will coordinate with others on exact audio frequency to use. I suspect all stations near 40.675MHz will work together to choose a suitable place.
