14 Mar 2022

15m FT8 RX with the tiny indoor loop

From about 1000z, I have been on 15m FT8 RX with the tiny loop on the shack windowsill. So far today, 35 stations already spotted.

UPDATE 1135z: 120 stations spotted so far today on 15m FT8 RX with the tiny indoor loop antenna. Furthermost is BD6RN (8841km) in Hubei, China.

UPDATE 1245z:  174 stations spotted so far.

UPDATE 1554z:  295 stations spotted so far, with nothing at all from South America. I guess that could be conditions, time of day, or antenna directionality. I find it surprising that not a single South American has been spotted so far. Come to think of it, just 1 Florida station in the USA spotted.

UPDATE 1725z:  331 stations spotted, but very very few from the Americas.

UPDATE 1855z:  341 stations spotted today.

UPDATE 2210z: 343 stations spotted today (see map). Now QRT. Not sure when the loop fell over, but I think it must have been quite late!

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