30 Mar 2022

10m FT8 QRP (Wednesday)

All being well, I hope to be on 10m FT8 RX after breakfast. Yesterday was a good day on 10m. 

UPDATE 0825z:  My 10m FT8 was turned on 0811z.  Initially I was on QRP TX with 2.5W for a few minutes (just one spot from Israel, but no QSOs). So far, 20 stations spotted at 0829z. AH7C in Hawaii was spotted. I guess this is via the long path. This is the first time I have seen Hawaii on 10m for many years.

UPDATE 1000z:  81 stations spotted so far today.

UPDATE 1218z:   223 stations spotted today on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1315z:  309 stations spotted today on 10m FT8 RX. 6 stations have spotted my very brief QRP TX periods.

UPDATE 1425z:  As part of my 8m dipole erection, most of my 10m antenna is on the ground. Despite this, I am still getting plenty of DX spots - 37 in the last 15 minutes!

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