13 Feb 2022

UK post office scandal - NOT amateur radio

This is an unbelievable scandal. Back in the early 2000s several hundreds of UK sub-postmasters were audited.  Apparently many were accused of fraud and were even put in jail. Some even committed suicide.

It turns out the software was at fault! These people were totally wronged.

The person that was allegedly in charge at the time is now an ordained church minister! I cannot believe this person has not been put in jail and the keys thrown away. This is a total injustice!  This person and whoever else was in charge back then should carry the can for this injustice.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-60335109 .


  1. Broken Britain, Roger. No civil servant is ever punished. Moved aside, paid off, promoted. But never punished. The tax payer picks up the bill. Until he has no money left to be relieved of.

  2. These people usually have dirt on other people which keeps them safe.
