12 Feb 2022

Travel rules relaxing - NOT amateur radio

Covid-19 is not over, but for most it is like a heavy cold now. 

Fewer people are hospitalised or die with the Omicron variants.  As a consequence travel rules have been relaxed in many places.

The economic consequences of restrictions are such that it is becoming better to treat it a bit like a bad cold: If you feel rough, don't travel or go to work or school. I think this is the right decision in England.

In the UK those asked to stay off work or school are causing harm to society. Of course, if you are unwell you try not to spread it to others like colds and flu. There is no longer any sense in imposing restrictions on the whole society. We have to take responsibility for ourselves.

In the UK the vast major majority of people have built up immunity through vaccines or prior exposure to a corona virus like a cold or even Omicron. Most will be exposed to Omicron. Only some will get ill and even fewer will end up in hospital. Interestingly, most who end up very ill are unvaccinated.

Get vaccinated for your sake as well as others!

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60357901 .

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