22 Feb 2022

Quantum mechanics - NOT amateur radio

My 6 week course on an aspect of quantum mechanics as part of my University of The Third Age in Cambridge (U3AC) has ended. It was very hard!  It was given by a very well qualified Cambridge University physicist. He is a good presenter.

The takeaway comment at the end of the course was "spooky actions at a distance", Einstein's comment, really do occur. This means that at far ends of the universe things can influence each other instantly. This action occurs instantly and does not depend on the speed of light. This has been proved conclusively by experiments.  Einstiein did not want to believe this and did all sorts of things to try and disprove this. He failed.

This suggests what we think of as reality is not. This is totally counter intuitive.  All we can say really is there is very much we do not know.

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