9 Feb 2022

OFCOM crappery

OFCOM today emailed me about their latest proposals for mobile spectrum.

Despite 2 further chase emails this week, I have still not heard about how my 8m NoV which I submitted last October is progressing. It seems if you are talking money/revenues they are interested. Otherwise, you just get ignored.  I am totally out of patience with OFCOM, who appear to have zero interest in customer care!

Both my MP and the RSGB have been contacted. OFCOM come over as a totally inept QUANGO. I have had dealings with OFCOM for many years. They seem as inept as ever.

UPDATE 1707z:  Just had a response from my MP who is on the case. Best thing she could do is vote to disband this disfunctional group.  Response from OFCOM? Still nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Ofcom amateur licences office is room 101. in there is a dial telephone that never gets answered. Mail posted under the door now piles around 3 feet high. An ageing windows for workgroups computer is flashing an ‘unread email overload’ warning. A half drunk coffee cup on the desk has now solidified. The door to this room is locked and the the key was lost in 1955. Ofcom are still awaiting a locksmith to open it. Please be patient!
