28 Feb 2022

8m TX permit

OFCOM has assured me that it has granted all I asked for, but seem unable to tell me exactly what I am getting before I pay £50!  

As I do not know several things, I have asked them to clarify these before I shell out. I think this is reasonable. My wish is to go ahead.

Assuming all is OK, I hope to start TXing FT8 before the Es season and all reports will be appreciated. I suspect this summer could be most interesting on 8m regarding propagation studies.

UPDATE 1239z:   OFCOM has clarified things. It has granted me 40-42MHz and I can use my own amateur callsign. It is soon to invoice me. The permit is for a year starting April 2nd 2022. I must not cause interference! 


  1. WOW! That’s excellent news! Kudos to Ofcom….

  2. Glad you have your permit Roger be insterested to see how you get on, amazing how you waft some money under Ofcom nose and they interested!

    Anyway have you thought about what equipment you are going to use, how much power, antenna and what about the band plan where are you going to place yourself?

    Will you be running a beacon? WSPR or just FT8 and can this be 24/7 or has to be manned.

  3. I expect to run FT8 to a wire dipole with my modified FT817ND on a single frequency that is co-ordinated with others in Europe so a single USB dial frequency means we can all be monitored. I hope to be on 24/7, but it may be just daytime.

  4. Many congratulations on being the first to get a licence for 8M Roger, lets hope more follow soon ;)


  5. Has Ofcom specified any RF power limit, or just ICNIRP compliance?

  6. Not received the licence here yet, but they tell me I got what I asked for, which was 5W.
