15 Feb 2022

8m NoV

In the last few weeks I wrote to my MP saying how disappointed I was that after months of waiting and several recent chase emails, I had heard nothing of progress from OFCOM.  She is contacting OFCOM to ask why I have not heard. We'll see if this does any good.  

I would much have preferred it if they has simply given me a response last year. I am not asking for much! Until they respond I was not planning to erect an 8m dipole. This was for serious propagation research too.

UPDATE 1515z : Wonders will never cease!! After months and months, they have refused my application for an NoV.  Instead they want me to apply for an Innovation and Trials Licence which has a fee starting at £50!! I think the real reason is they are afraid radio amateurs will get a foot in the door. So, unless I am prepared to pay at least £50 a year, I am not even allowed just 50Hz of spectrum at 5W for 6 months. I am speechless and quietly fuming. So much for propagation research. You can imagine, that even if I applied, the Es season would be over before I heard!


  1. They might be quicker if money is involved….. 😏

  2. Isn't the RSGB looking into getting us a small slice of 40MHz?

    73's Steve
