14 Feb 2022

10m QRP WSPR (500mW)

Later, I hope to turn on my 10m WSPR TX beacon by W5OLF.  This is on TX 100% of the time, but changes frequency every cycle to prevent being clobbered by a strong station. Usually I get spots from a local and the Canary Is. Occasionally I get spots from South America and the USA as well as Europe.

UPDATE 1005z:  10m WSPR beacon turned on at 0945z.  At first, the crystal settles down so the drift is about 4Hz. After about 20 minutes things settle and the drift is usually 0Hz. So far, 3 stations have spotted me with the furthermost EA8BFK (2880km).

UPDATE 2137z: 
 6 different stations have spotted me today. Now QRT. Furthermost was TA/G8SCU (3010km).

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