29 Jan 2022

Life and quantum physics - NOT amateur radio

One of the "takeaway" things from my university course on quantum mechanics (that seems a very long time away now!) was that things could also be described as waves. These waves exist in all space and all time, but are much more probable here and now. To all intents and purposes they are "things" here and now.

The intriguing thought is that in some sense we have always existed everywhere.

Now my understanding may well be flawed, but it goes to show that what we experience as reality may not be how things are. Reality for us is based on our experiences of life.  It pays to be humble: we only know a very little. Be open minded.

Google "quantum entanglement".

One thing I am sure about: one hundred years from now we will look back at these times with amazement: did they really believe that and did they really drive around in vehicles that needed fossil fuels?

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