2 Dec 2021

Sinclair Micromatic MW reflex RX

These were basically tiny pocket receivers for medium wave broadcast.  I was reminded of this recently. Some were converted to 160m RX picking up AM stations which were quite common in the late 1960s when this kit was available. 

Reflex circuits originated in the valve era when valves were expensive.  Reflex circuits allowed valves to be used as RF and AF amplifiers. The same idea can be used on transistor circuits. Although I have not tried it, this maybe a way of making a 10m AM RX with a narrower bandwidth than a super-regen? Sensitivity should be good.

I have the honour of me being asked by Clive Sinclair for advice!! Yes, he asked me for advice! This was in the 1970s when he was after an antenna for his pocket TV. I can remember this like yesterday. Quite an honour.

Peter has kindly given me permission to use his images.


  1. If you are interested in reflex circuits, search for "Radio Constructor magazine Sir Douglas Hall Reflex radio circuits". Sir Douglas Hall was a prolific author of such designs in the 1960s/1970s.

    However I cannot recall any of the the circuits covering frequencies as high as 10m.

  2. Yes Sir Douglas Hall produced some very clever circuits. I think he was a diplomat rather than a radio engineer. A very clever man. A close friend who lived in the same village (Ringmore, Devon) often saw him.
