20 Dec 2021

15m FT8 RX (Monday)

In all, I have probably been on 15m FT8 RX with the Wellgood active loop for about 30 minutes. So far, 54 spots with the furthermost RA0WHE (5565km).

UPDATE 0950z: 57 stations spotted with the furthermost BG0CAB (6149km). Certainly 15m is proving to be a good band at the moment. I expect this time next year 10m will be as good.

UPDATE 1050z:  109 stations spotted with the furthermost E24OYI (9466km).

UPDATE 1526z:  391 stations spotted. Furthermost is 4F3BZ (10632km).

UPDATE 1616z: 424 stations spotted today on 15m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 2315z:  444 stations spotted on 15m FT8 RX. Now QRT. 

Pirates: it is all too easy for TX stations (and RX stations) to use false callsigns and locations. When you are copying several stations from the same area, it is much less likely they are all pirates. For example there are lots of South Americans and USA stations on. It is very unlikely that many (if any) are pirates.

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